How to choose an Advanced Placement (AP) course?

AP scores have become an integral part of college admissions consideration & process; therefore, selecting the right AP exam course is paramount. Selection of an AP course or multiple AP courses can be done based on the following criteria:

Self-Interests & Alignment:

Various subjects are offered, from arts and literature to mathematics and computer science. However, the first & foremost criterion for selecting an AP subject is the personal interest & comfort with the course content to pursue and excel in the course hassle-free, pleasantly and more interactively—eternal passion towards the chosen subject will edge and do wonders.

Future Goals:

Your selected AP subject must align with your future career goals and the courses you wish to pursue in the university/college. For example, One who wishes to earn an engineering degree should choose AP subjects in mathematics and sciences instead of arts and humanities. A rigorous, comprehensive and in-depth AP curriculum helps build strong concepts of the subject while simultaneously preparing you for the college course in advance while you are still in high school.

Your Strengths & Weaknesses: 

Owing to the demanding nature of the AP courses, having a clear-cut idea of your strengths and weaknesses is important. Your natural academic and behavioural strengths must support the selected AP course. It will make your journey easier and enhance your chances of scoring well in the AP subject. It becomes vital to assess the AP curriculum, keep in mind your strengths & weaknesses beforehand, and make the final AP course selection accordingly. 

Consult with Counselors and Teachers: 

Before embarking on your AP journey, it is always recommended to consult and take advice from your current teachers & counselors since they can give you valuable insights about your skills and expertise, which would eventually help you to make informed decisions.

Assess Time Availability: 

Being in high school and considering appearing for international universities means you are involved in several activities simultaneously by default. Be it your academics, extracurriculars, SAT/ACT prep, MUNs, or profile building. You have to give 100% in every area, which means time management becomes inevitable. It is always advised to assess available time well before preparing for AP exams. The available time must suit the requirements and commitments of the AP course to be selected to give proper time for the preparation.


Overall, AP courses are intended to be challenging & demanding. Still, they can also be very fruitful if one considers the aforementioned criteria to identify the right AP exam course and have an enriching learning experience at the end of the course.